Attention Owners do you every ask yourself the following questions:
How can we get more Rental Income for our property?
Where are the tenants who pay rent on time and renews year after year?
Why do I have to do repairs that exceed the rental Deposit when the lease ends?
How often is my property is being monitored by my property management group?
How can My Family or Friends enjoy my investment property from time to time?
ALFAN ESTATES is here to help and give you Quality Answers to all of these questions!
Did you know that Furnished Rentals in Las Vegas and we are the foremost expert in the Furnished Rental Industry with over 13 year combined experience. We have Found that our Owners are generating 20% more Rental Income renting out Furnished vs. Traditional Long Term Rentals
As your Premier Partner in Finding and filtering for Quality Guests who come to Las Vegas for a few Days, Weeks or Months you will never need to show a property or reducing vacancy by as much as 20%
With 18 Years Property Management experience we have found that Long Term Tenants Typically treat the property poorly compared to Guests who travel to Las Vegas for a fixed duration. The Main reason is because the Guests spend most of their time out of the Property besides sleeping and occasional meal. Otherwise they are at conferences or events or working at a location. The result is a 80% reduction in damages to the property and overall use of all appliances.
With the Property being furnished it is available for you to book out for your Guests such as Family or Friends who might be coming to Vegas to Vacation or Work. Now you can offer your Property to them and make them feel like home away from home.
We monitor your property at a minimum every 30 days even if there is a guest who is staying longer than 1 month. This way any issues or concerns that arise are handled immediately without any further damage due to tenant negligence.
We are excited to help you grow your passive income and share how we have helped many owners increase their cashflow through our Furnished Rental Clients, Reduced Vacancy and Improved Maintenance of the property.
If any of this is meaningful to you or you have experienced some of all of the painful experiences of being a realestate investor please feel free to contact us at allan@alfanestates.com